PT462 bij de Hold van RWY-06 (Grass) op een kurkdroog Duxford, zondag 15 juli, Flying Legends 2018. De kleuren zijn die van 253 Squadron.
Dit schaalmodel van de HF.IX PT462 staat in een tuin in het Schotse Moffat, op enkele tientallen meters van het monument voor Hugh Dowding.
History of Spitfire PT462
Built at Castle Bromwich as HF.IXe. To 39 MU on 210744; To 215 MU, RAF Dumfries on 310744 for delivery to the MAAF; packed for dispatch by sea on 090844. Arrived for service with Mediterranean Allied Air Force on 230844. Noted in service with 253 Sq coded 'SW-A' in 0445, based at Treviso in north-east Italy, engaged in ops over Italy, Yugoslavia and the Balkans; 253 Sq was disbanded on 170547. To Italian Air Force as MM4100 on 26 or 270647. Noted with 5 Stormo on 151247; damaged in accident on 040348. Sold to Israel in 0452; Ferried out of Foggia, Italy (...) To Israel Defence Force IDF/AF as Delivery No. 0607 in 0452; reserialled 20-67, with registration 4X-FOM. Hulk of forward fuselage dumped at a kibbutz in an unidentified location in Gaza Strip (...). To Robs Lamplough, Duxford in 1983/1984. Noted stored at Fowlmere in 0583. To Charles Church, Winchester in 0784. Reg. G-CTIX to Charles Church (Spitfires) Ltd on 090485. Rebuilt to Tr.9 configuration at Winchester; Mainplanes constructed by Trent Aero Engineering Ltd; Tail section constructed by Air Repair, Bicester; With Merlin 66 overhauled by Aviation Jersey Ltd.; Ff on 250787. Reg. to Charles Church Displays Ltd on 130688. Reg. to Susan B. Church, Winchester on 150293; Operated by Dick Melton Aviation, Winchester (1991/1994). Put up for sale in 1093; Sold to Jet Cap Aviation, Lakeland, FL, USA , registered on 250794 as N462JC As 'SW-A', 253 Sq (...) To Anthony Hodgson, St. Asaph, North Wales, reg. on 280498. Noted in H5 at Duxford on 020598 as ‘SW-A’, 253 (Hyderabad State) Sq. when based in Italy;Ex N462JC. To ARCo, Duxford, reg. to Propshop Ltd., Duxford on 241017. Repainted by Flying Colours, Oxford Apt in 0218. Reg. G-CTIX applied in white on aft fuselage for ferry flight from Kidlington to Duxford on 220218 (accompanied by Tr.9 PV202/G-CCCA). No Sq code applied. To be finished by ARCo. Reg. to Propshop Ltd., Duxford on 241017. As 'SW-A', 253 Sq as worn between 0445 until the disbandment of the unit in 0547. PT462 made her first public appearance on 070418 in the hands of Brian Smith. Aw with ARCo, Duxford; last noted 150718.
Spitfire International, Helmut Terbeck, Harry van der Meer, Ray Sturtivant, Air Britain Spitfire Survivors (p.140-141), Gordon Riley and Graham Trant, Aston Publications Warbirds Directory 1st, 2nd and 3rd Edition, John Chapman, Geoff Goodall, Ed by Paul Coggan, WarbirdsMedia Company Wrecks & Relics, Ken Ellis, Editions 10 to 26, Midland Counties/Crécy Publications